Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Anti-War Post

 Blog #6


                                           Why is Anti-war hidden?  

The United States is known as the "best country is the world." That statement is true in some aspects, numerous other countries have it much harder than we do. I am always grateful that I was born into this country and have the opportunities I do, but there are some things that are not always as they seem. Governments all around the globe have their issues, but we have some huge ones here. 

War is a big problem in America. Most individuals, that we see, are in support for war and there are others, that are not spoken about much, that are not in support of war. The reasoning as to why I think we do not see many Anti-war speakers in public is because the Government tries to hide them. I know what you are thinking, "that is absurd.." but it's true. During the past two years we have seen some of the Governments true colors shine from banning people on social media, stating certain messages on television, and much more. That being said, the Government obviously values their own opinions and not really anyone else's. For example, if individuals had mentioned the COVID-19 vaccine on any social media in a negative way, they would be reported or cannot get back on the app. Why? Aren't these social platforms a way for others to express how they feel about anything they would like. This caused a lot of disruption with many people. Especially those who worked in the medical or science fields. Many of those workers lost jobs due to speaking their own opinions.

How does this correlate to people speaking on anti-war issues? Well, they are very similar. Numerous well-written writers have spoken there opinions or even facts on war going on in the U.S and our involvement with other wars, and they are not as noticed as other writers. One prime example of a website that does not get noticed in the media often, one that I have personally never seen before, is ANTIWAR.COM. When watching the news or looking at social media surrounding these topics, majority of the time you would not come across this website or others like it because the Government does not want people to read others opinions on something they do not agree with. Personally, I have never seen a headline nor do I think I will see a headline in the future on the news with the title "Secret documents have exposed the CIA's Julian Assange Obsession." or something like that. 

In the end, I think we have to search deep lengths to hear strong anti-war pieces voices because of the difference in opinion and how it is taken in these days. All of us have to be extremely cautious about what we post on the media, especially if it is during an on-going issue and you have a certain job. Another factor as to why we don't hear about these websites often is because when people go looking for information, they usually take a look at non-biased websites. The website we were assigned to take a look at had many opinionated pieces, which people do not look for when they want to find out the facts. 

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