Sunday, November 6, 2022

Living in the Age of AI

 Blog post #10 

Living in the Age of AI

    Artificial intelligence has taken over our world more ways than we think. Technology has now been adjusted to recognize faces, voices, gestures, and even the tone in peoples voice. While watching the video "In the Age of AI", it really opened my eyes into what we have to watch out for when purchasing or owning some of the products that we do. Yes, there are many benefits to owning devices like a cell phone, computer, laptop, television, and more, but, there are many dangers that I do not think many of us realize. 

Shoshana Zuboff, one of the women that spoke in the video shown, had said something that really struck me. She described social media, google, and the internet as "searching us instead of us searching them." When hearing this at first you might think to yourself, "thats not true, I'm searching things up all the time," while that is true, underneath all you're searches the computer or website is going deeper into your search. An example we can use is let's say one day you look up a pair of dance shoes on google, the next few weeks, google will bring you adds for dance studios, clothes, and more shoes. While using the internet and shopping websites, social media, things of that sort, people behind those screens that you are using are always watching and making sure they know everything you want. 

Face recognition is now even more complex than ever before. With all of these additions to different devices, people now can pretend or take other peoples personalities. Within the recent years, companies have been created to protect all individuals from this happening. Sadly though, even with all these installments, hackers know how to get into people's accounts, devices, and social media accounts which make others to be very cautious when getting certain applications for jobs or situations like that. 

With the escalation of technology and AI, privacy matters have become more advance to assure people that they are safe when using these types of websites. Whenever opening a new app, or downloading a new browser like Chrome onto your laptop, there are always security questions. Of course, not everyone reads those and just presses okay to get the process over with. 

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