Wednesday, August 31, 2022

My top five news sources and information:

 Blog post #1


                            Top five news sources + information

        In today's times, most people get their source of news from social media or just watching the news; and if I am telling the truth, so do I at times. But, the problem with doing that is you do not get all of the pieces to the puzzle that you are learning about. For instance, let's say someone was murdered and they showed two suspects on the news. Most people would make their own opinions based on how the people look or what they do. The one thing people do not do, which is crucial, is look for more details on the story, since they do not know much. The sources I will be writing about are places where I trust to get the majority of details for news stories or what-have-you. 

       One of the most fundamental, but, one of the most detailed source's that I look at the most is  The New York Times. I say this because just like any other magazine or post, they provide covers on all sections like sports, media, politics, and really whatever you are looking for, yet, it has a different swing to it. The New York Times is one of the longest running posts in the world, and probably have influenced many journalists-to-be. Although you have to create an account to read the stories posted, it is worth it. Numerous talented journalists have written and will continue to keep writing for The New York Times. Majority of individuals recommend this website because it has variety. It keeps you on track with what is going on at the very moment you log in, but can take you back many years to where you cannot stop reading. 

      This newspaper has done many things from just a post about a State, to bringing down President Richard Nixon with the websites reporting on the Watergate scandal in the early 1970's. The Washington Post has also been running a very long time, and has similar glory to The New York Times. It is actually alike to The NYT in many ways with the format on how stories are posted and the writers that have contributed to the source. In-that, The Washington Post has won awards like the Pulitzer Prizes and has received many others for its dedication in media. What I also like about The Washington Post is the organization of the page. Every genre has sections within it to help you navigate through the posts easier. It is key when using a website to know that you can easily go back to pages, and this source definitely makes it effortless. 

      CNN is another reliable source to find news information and other things surrounding that. This reference is more directed towards global politics, business, and the United States, however, still has the options to look at other media like sports, travel, etc. Such as the other two websites I had mentioned, CNN does keep their site in top shape with how they separate categories and articles. They split up stories that are paid partnerships, featured sections, and however the category may need to be split. For example, if you take a look at the politics section, they have split the sections into "Biden White House" and "Congress." These available tools just make it a smoother process for anyone who is reading these posts for whatever the cases may be. 

      Now, this one is pretty obvious but, it had to be said.... Google is an incredible way to figure out any stories with the push of a button. When you search up information on Google, it offers you in order from the most viewed pieces to the least viewed, plus, hands you every source even if it is not the best one you could be looking for. Everyone uses Google now-a-days whether it be for work, shopping, figuring out who people are, and the news! The majority of people know that not all websites Google has to offer are the correct ones or might not be right for that person, but they also know that Google can lead them to another sight that does have everything that person needs right at there finger tips. That is what I personally enjoy about using Google. They even have a feature where they accommodate your discover page to what you search the most, and the latest updates on everything. 

      The last source I will provide to you today is not what I expected to write about, but it I am being honest when I say it is one of my top 5 ways to receive news and other information. With that said, the source is TikTok. That might sound odd is some ways, but the reality is that this app provides us with so much information. From allowing anyone in the world access to speak, post videos, and go live on the app, people have been able to express what they feel. For some individuals  that is reporting different types of news. There is an account on TikTok called Newsweek that reports everything going on in politics and the world. But there are also other accounts that report on sports media, entertainment, Hollywood, and honestly the list is endless. Needless to say, this app has done a lot of positive and negative things for our generation, but one major positive is having access to all this news that we might not hear anywhere else. 




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